1. 其實有諗過用第個圖。你問我就呢個圖好,美股三大指數,本身水平就唔同,計法亦唔同(講過多次,一般專業場合就唔會計道指)。咁拍埋一齊用% change 去睇就最好。
2. 但不幸地好多人諗嘢唔係in % terms嘅。唔緊要,照講點數。Nasdaq 指數,舊年年尾剛好9000點樓下,今年一度升到9800點左右,10%左右,正係2月嘅事。10000點前就止步
3. 然後就環球大股災又話闔球鏟又話全球爆煲啦之類,如是我聞。3月嘅環球大股災(呢啲跌法就稱得上股災了),跌到6630點 —高位蒸發33%!講緊1個月嘅事。
4. 數學常識話你知,跌咗33%,就要升返一半,即係升50%先追回失地—所以點解畢菲特教你保住個本。但,why not?話咁快,亦係1個月多啲,Nasdaq 指數已經上返年初9000點嘅位,最新係9100。低位已彈返37%—未夠50%,亦未彈到2月嘅高位。
5. 故事教訓,都係老生常談。自問好醒嘅,就梗係9800點清倉然後轉頭沽空,之後6630點平短倉買返啦。哈哈哈。睇住個mon教人踢波梗係易。唔好話前半截,就算要後半截做到,都極難(當然你十萬蚊身家拎五千去做就實做到,但把托咩)。
6. 所以退而求其次,你做唔到高位沽,做唔到低位撈—但都至少唔好低位打靶沽畀人。最好嘅方法就係去多啲旅行,唔好成日睇新聞。是真的。我地呢啲靠呢辦搵食(搵食有好多種,呢個Page都係搵食)就冇計,但非金融從業員嘅。Why bother?人生仲有好多嘢畀起睇股票機有意義。當然,今次肺炎搞到人人冇得去旅行。我懷疑都因為咁多咗人打靶。
7. 講返,點解咁強?點解不停有人失業,經濟收縮又前所未見(美國講緊第二季GDP收縮 20-40%)(英國講緊300年嚟最勁)(https://bit.ly/35OidYW),點解股市仲升?本頁嘅讀者當然同出面啲麻瓜唔同,唔係完全信服都大約明。首先係印錢減息,二來經濟會反彈,三來股票唔係經濟,四來邊個話冇跌呢你見標普道指恒指都潛水中。
8. 比較有趣係,點解Nasdaq一支獨秀,全球最強。其實都不難解。多數人都同意美國暫時仲係世界最強,頂尖嘅企業頂尖嘅人材,所以美股跑贏其他市場。呢部份唔難明,對不?特別係啲抗拒大陸香港嘅會講呢啲,我都不反對,因為成績唔呃人。好啦,咁同一道理,美股入面最強嘅,正係啲科企咯,唔通靠波音咩(都升返好多架)。
9. Gobear嘅文(https://bit.ly/3bfi2XG)都寫過,美國科技股表現甚強。所謂嘅FAAMG,Facebook Amazon Apple Microsoft Google全部股價都已經水面之上。固然表現各有不同,Amazon網購當然大受惠於肺炎,Microsoft都係(雲計算),當然Apple受累於停工,Facebook Google就廣告收入減少,股價就冇咁靚仔,但都係水面上。另外仲有較細嘅Netflix 同 Tesla,前者當然又係受惠肺炎,後者就…….意外獲利喎
10. 重點係,呢堆股票嘅實力太強了。我其實覺得好好笑,人地做到萬億美金市值,都仲有人質疑個business model 掂唔掂。
11. 仲有樣嘢,我唔直接答你,用例子答你。蘋果拎住2000億美金現水,呢個冇乜特別,好多人知。2000億即係幾多?即係就算公司一部iPhone 一部ipad一部MacBook都賣唔到,一個仙itune收入都冇,一個仙in app課金收入都拎唔到,都夠燒一年。
12. 呢個本身都冇乜特別,但更特別嘅係。蘋果仲走去發債(https://bit.ly/3dv6st1),集咗85億美金(其實唔多)。點解?官方自有解釋,但我嘅解釋更簡單:咁平,唔借就笨。發呢堆債嘅息口,係0.75厘。蘋果拎去loop loop loop 大法買公用股收租都抵 – 但更加實際嘅,當然係做回購。
13. 有得咁玩,股價點唔升?你話,嘩,咁狗嘅。疫情加劇不平衡,貧富不均喎。減息益咗啲大企業喎。歡迎來到地球,為你介紹返資本主義。
14. 事實係,如果你好似匯控咁,畀人渣住個春袋(sorry 但諗唔到更傳神嘅用詞),要拎政府錢(*),就當然會限制多多,唔畀炒人,高層薪水會受限,仲有可能唔畀派息,回購亦唔畀。亦因為咁,你見有啲公司,好似波音咁,雖然政府擺明會救,但都堅持自己發債,就係唔想畀人綁住—事實見到,只要知道政府會救,就唔使真係救,投資者就肯支持波音發債。
15. 呢堆科企,生意長做長有,即使Apple Facebook Google之類都係暫時影響,仲要係大把錢。可以直接回購,甚至借錢做回購都得。
16. 仲想買嘅,除咗可以買Nasdaq,亦可以買港股嘅ETF。華夏嘅7261,兩倍槓杆,啱晒賭性重嘅你。
17. 不過循例提醒返。第一,只係用嚟短炒,你渣得長個回報實跟唔足,發行商都一早講明。第二,兩倍喎,咁睇錯市輸錢都係兩倍。第三,7261 Track嘅唔係Nasdaq,係Nasdaq100。成份股有乜唔同就自己Google
18. 年初至今呢,其實Nasdaq100係跑贏Nasdaq的。你睇過去幾年都係添,當然呢個不代表未來。分別亦唔算真係十分非常極之咁誇張很大嘅。
19. 呀仲有,堅持覺得係泡沫嘅,隨便你。但,坐言起行嘛,覺得會爆煲想睇淡嘅,可以買都係華夏嘅ETF 7522,反向兩倍。即係人地贏你輸,人地輸你贏,好過癮的(贏到嘅話)。性質同隻7261一樣,都係Nasdaq100,亦注意返啲要點。但,我話如果你真係睇淡你就去買咋,我冇叫你睇淡的。輸錢當然係閣下問題(我唔明點解呢個世界有人覺得自己輸錢係其他人問題)
(*)呢度真係要講,匯控極之無辜。上次金融危機佢就根本冇要英倫銀行救,唔似佢啲英國同業咁。佢選擇供股,自己股東救自己公司。點知而家英倫銀行一樣使橫手要唔畀派息,完全係開個極之壞嘅先例。好人冇好報,不如一早玩大佢等政府救啦。呢啲就係moral hazard
課程編號填: CC01
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Nóng hổi cả nhà ơi!! Đợt này có nhiều webinar và livestream sắp tổ chức nên các em nhớ note lại ngày để tham gia nha, chắc chắn sẽ thu được nhiều kiến thức bổ ích đó. Có những sự kiện diễn ra trong nay và mai luôn cả nhà ạ.
1. Data & Machine Learning Study Jam in Vietnam 2020 đồng tổ chức bởi GDG Cloud HCM, GDG Cloud Hanoi và GDG Cloud Da Nang - cơ hội tuyệt vời để mọi người có thể học hỏi được những kiến thức mới nhất về Cloud, Data, Machine Learning và AI trên nền tảng Google Cloud Platform.
• Thời gian: 21/3/2020 đến 21/4/2020
• Link: https://blog.gdgcloudhanoi.com/2020/03/21/Data-ML-studyjams-Vietnam.html
2. Đăng ký học bổng CNTT trong Data Science, React Native, Project Manager với CodersSchool x Facebook
• Thời gian: Trước 01/5/2020
• Link: http://bit.ly/DevC-Apply
3. "Webinar Series: Dream Match" của PISE với WEBINAR 1: “TRÒ CHUYỆN DU HỌC CÙNG CHỊ HANNAH DINH” À chính là mình founder của page đó Hoa Dinh
• Thời gian: 19:30 - 20:30 ngày 12/4/2020
• Link: https://bit.ly/2Rli2yk
4. Livestream "Tuổi 20, bỗng dưng tôi muốn bỏ học" của chị Huyền Chip
• Thời gian: 11.30 đến 12.30 thứ 7 giờ Việt Nam
• Link: https://www.facebook.com/chipiscrazy/videos/251585095991592]
5. Webinar của "Nữ sinh chinh phục học bổng Harvard" của College Compass
• Thời gian: 20.00 - 21.30 ngày thứ Bảy (11/04/2020)
• Link đăng ký: bit.ly/cc-webinar1
6. Học Tư duy phản biện với cô Nguyễn Phi Vân và Lead The Change
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtGydkBgRQ4
7. Học Online Hơn 100 khóa học miễn phí với Edumall
• https://edumall.vn/covid19
8. Học Kĩ năng 4.0 có Certificate với Google, Digital 4.0
• https://www.facebook.com/digital4.0vn/
9. Học IELTS với Hội đồng Anh
• https://www.futurelearn.com/partners/british-council
10. Tìm hiểu The Science of Happiness với UC Berkeley và EdX.
• https://www.facebook.com/edX/videos/516162519081526/
11. Khóa học khởi nghiệp “Beyond Silicon Valley: Exchanging Ideas for Supporting Entrepreneurship in the Crisis Between Vietnam and Cleveland, Ohio” bởi Đại sứ quán Hoa Kỳ.
• Thời gian: 20:00, thứ ba ngày 14/4
• Link: https://case.edu/entrepreneurship/beyond-silicon-valley
12. Livestream "Chúng ta từ đâu tới và chúng ta sẽ đi về đâu trên thế gian này?"
• Thời gian: 9:30 sáng chủ Nhật, ngày 12/4/2020.
• Link: https://zoom.us/j/5050981904, Meeting ID: 505 098 1904, Password: 12345
13. Khóa học Data Science miễn phí từ PacktPub
• https://courses.packtpub.com/courses/data-science, nhập mã: nhập mã PACKTFREE
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On 15th November 8:30am my Instagram account @ms_puiyi consisting of 1,005 posts, 633,000 followers and 433 following was hacked. My account username was changed and deactivated. During midnight, my profile icon has disappeared and only show user not found. On 16th November 9am, my Facebook was hacked. I saw the emails sent to my gmail inbox so, the hacker and I both have try to change Facebook password multiple times. My Facebook account got disabled in the end. After hours of investigation, we figure out hacker has been ‘phishing’ my laptop for 14 days which make him gain access to my Google, Facebook and Instagram. On 9:42 pm, the hacker sent spam emails to all my patreon subscribers for my nudes. I have lodged a police report. Later on, I try to use a spam email to contact the hacker to buy back the pictures and my account for RM 18,000. The hacker in a group has managed to robbed the money in the delivery journey. I have lodged another police report for that too. He deactivated his fake email and went disappeared. The next day, I flew to Facebook Singapore hoping to redeem my account back but only managed to get their business card. 3 days later, Facebook support centre has confirmed my identity and sent me a recovery email. It has been 13 days since my hacking case happened, the police were irresponsible and asked me to refer to SKMM department but my case has not opened by them. They did not call me either and no news of investigations. When I contacted my police inspector, the answer I got in 13 days is only ‘please make an online report to SKMM and you cannot go to their office without appointment, they will not attend you’. In these 13 days, I have also sent many many appeal attempts to Instagram support centre to get my disabled account back but no response. The last email I try to use my private account and sent them an email about my issue but I have a very irresponsible reply from Instagram. Everybody just turns away from me and not helping when I’m seeking help from the right authorities. Please help me share this out and tag Instagram/Facebook team to gain their awareness of this issue.
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google password change 在 How do I change or reset my Facebook password? 的推薦與評價
If you're logged in but have forgotten your password, follow the steps under Change Password then tap Forgot password? and follow the steps to reset it. ... <看更多>
google password change 在 There's been a change to your Google account - Web ... 的推薦與評價
Please try to sign-in again at accounts.google.com and if you cannot remember your password, please use this link (g.co/recover) to recover your password. If ... ... <看更多>